How to introduce kids to the concept of credit scores

Annie and Nicolle shared some exciting updates about their app on the podcast, and let me tell you, they're making waves despite being limited by Bubble's capabilities.

Check this out—kids can now choose their own character in the app, and it'll hatch out of an egg!

How cool is that? 🐣

And that's not all. They've introduced a game-changing feature: kids will have their own credit score. Yep, you heard it right!

Annie and Nicolle spent a lot of time brainstorming how to introduce kids to the concept of credit scores.

Why? Because it's crucial knowledge that impacts everyone's life, including immigrant populations. From loan rates to car insurance, understanding credit scores is key.

Despite the limitations, Annie and Nicolle are pushing boundaries and delivering innovative solutions. Tune in to the podcast to learn more about their journey and the exciting updates to their app!

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